Friday, July 15, 2011

Wake up all,it's time to take an initiative against corruption..

What I (and I’m sure the majority of Indians feel as well) is that all these corrupt politicians who have bought their seats by dangling money and liquor to the rural poor who cannot refuse are now preaching about how Anna Hazare’s methods are “unconstitutional” and “unacceptable”. If Anna Hazare’s movement is “unconstitutional” then the constitution itself is “undemocratic” as the function of the will of the people takes precedence over the form of the order of governance. These shysters and quibblers hide behind their “paper” democracy while blind to the most basic principles of a democratic state- the rule of law and the will of the people. That is exactly what Anna Hazare’s movement is trying to bring about. People don’t really care how it is really done, call it fascist or anarchy or whatever you wish but you cannot deny that this is the will of the people – that the institution of corruption be brought down, not later but now.

A 100 corrupt politicians quibbling over semantics and posturing for their own political advantage is not “the rule of the people”! THAT is the real farce and that is what the people of India are tired of. To hell with the idea of some “paper” democracy when the will of the people cannot be enforced due to petty and venal politicians. Why hold “democracy” as some sacred covenant if it is inept and incapable of redressing the desires of people ?

The only people who find this “unacceptable” are the politicians and their paid shysters who have a vested interest in perpetuating this cancer of Indian polity. For them, a assertive civil society that demands the rule of law, that demands good governance and that gives no quarter for political sophistry or bargaining is a mortal threat. When the entire body has been corrupted, it needs to be purged, lest it taint the soul.